Here are some projects I've worked on! They're a mix of hackathons, school, and personal projects. More can be found on my GitHub page
Concussion Symptom Tracker
A daily symptom and habit tracker for concussion patients. Built using React Native and Firebase.
Dance Dance Foosball (it tweets!)
Built a DDR pad controlled foosball table which live-tweets the score of the match. Built using an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi, a DDR mat, the Twitter API, and some Python.
VR Educational Chemistry App
How can chemistry students better understand molecular bonding? How can I create a more useful and accessible educational model? Built using Unity and Google Cardboard.
Predicting injuries from NYPD collision data
Final project for Applied Machine Learning. Built using NYC OpenData Motor Vehicle Collision Data and Python (Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit Learn).
Burrows-Wheeler Compression
Data Structures final project; replicated 5/9 layers of bzip2 compression. Built using C++.
Chat Room
Final project for Information Systems. A simple chat server with an omnipotent guest and interface written in Go.